Speaker Details

Ken Boyer Ohio State University

Ken Boyer

Ken is Fisher designated professor of supply chain management at The Ohio State University. He was the co–editor-in-chief of the Journal of Operations Management. Previously Ken was a full professor at Broad, Michigan State University as well as on the faculty at DePaul University. He earned a BSc in mechanical engineering from Brown University and a PhD in business administration from Ohio State University. His research interests focus on sustainability in supply chains, strategic management of operations and the effective management of emerging technologies. He is the author of the book The Electric Vehicle Revolution: Five Visionaries


Gears of change: how electrification and autonomous driving provide opportunities for interiors

The author of The Electric Vehicle Revolution: Five Visionaries Leading the Charge will discuss how the Gears of Change offer new opportunities to reimagine interiors in transportation. Not since the first transportation revolution – from horses to horseless carriages – have designers had this blank a page. Boyer will pull from history and contemporary media to examine how the Gears - willingness to commit (company, customers, governments) must mesh with transforming supply networks (automotive OEMs, software providers, interior suppliers) and the ability to profit. All three must be aligned and mesh for change to occur.