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Turn interiors into an experiential space with textiles

Interiors have developed into spaces for positive experiences. Traveling should be fun, safe and environmentally friendly, which places special demands on the interior. Devices and utensils, whether connected or not, must always be in view and quickly accessible for the driver. Jumbo-Textil’s elastic diamond net for the center console offers an ideal storage and fastening solution for a wide range of console concepts. Everything that needs to be at hand is cleverly fixed and securely stored in a clean design, while fulfilling demanding, individually definable requirements for elasticity, resilience, precision, durability, flammability, etc.

Futureproof interior elements must be light and quiet. The company’s interior solutions made from narrow textiles are up to 40% lighter than non-textile alternatives. Sustainable components for interiors are at the forefront of future concepts. This requires materials such as Jumbo-Textil’s high-performance natural fibers and plastics that are made from recycled PET bottles.

Jumbo-Textil supports clients in every phase of realization – from development to production. Visit the company’s booth to find out more.

Booth 1306

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