Speaker Details

Christophe Sansregret MiQro Innovation Collaboration Centre (C2MI)

Christophe Sansregret

Christophe works in the Micro Innovation Collaboration Center (C2MI) in process development in printed electronics and advanced packaging. He focuses on flexible and printed electronics production through additive manufacturing. He is currently developing processes for the integration of surface-mounted electronic components on flexible substrates using copper inks, in collaboration mainly with the École des Technologies Supérieurs (ÉTS).


Additively manufactured copper circuit boards for the automotive industry

Additively manufactured electronics continues to garner significant interest across multiple product applications for embedding devices within existing standard products and producing novel flexible devices. Compared with traditional copper-foil-based flexible printed circuit board (F-PCB) technologies, printed electronic circuits can accept a wider range of flexible substrate materials, can be readily integrated with other printed device functions and can exploit roll-to-roll manufacturing for extremely low cost. This presentation will discuss manufacturing methods of printed circuits and subsequent component assembly. Preliminary reliability data will also be discussed, as well as a performance comparison with traditional circuit board technology.